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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Belated New Years Post!

Hey Everyone!
I was going to make a post yesterday, but I didn't get a chance too. :( Well, here it is now! One of my friends did a post on her blog about the top 10 things that she was thankful for in 2009. I thought that was a good idea. Here they are!

1.)I'm thankful for the leasons God has taught me last year. The #1 lesson was that I realized that we can't do it on our own! We have to have God to help us through each trial. I tried to for awhile, and I couldn't do it. God had to show me that I'm weak and nothing without Him.

2.)I'm thankful for my Mom and Dad. They are really good, and are raising us in the Lord. I hope I can do that! I've been thinking lately what a huge responsibility it is to have your own family that you have to train in the ways of the Lord, that you will answer for how you have brought them up! I mean, they have to make the decision, but you have to raise them right too!

3.)I'm thankful for the time we had to spend with Jonathan after he was better and before he died. The poor baby was not very happy when he had his kidney problem, but after he was healed, he was so happy and such a blessing to our family!!! We had about 2 months of him being the baby that he should have been! I love you, Baby!

4.)I'm thankful for Justin! He is such a sweetie! And after Jonathan died, he was such a comfort! He helped with the grieving that we had, even though he had to stay in the hospital for awhile. He is a little miracle! He wasn't even supposed to live! And if he did, he definitely wasn't supposed to be so healthy and fine! You are such a cutie and blessing, Justin!

5.)That my Dad has a job! With so many people out of a job, just to have a job is a big blessing!

6.)For my whole family! Even if we fight sometimes, we still have good times together! Love you guys!

7.)For all my friends! I've made new friends and kept old friends! I love all of you!

8.)For you, Amy T! You've been such a blessing to me! You've listened, (or read!) when I've needed to tell you something! You've been such an encouragement to me! Love ya, Girl!

9.)That my grandma-ma is coming up to live in MI again! I've missed her so much!

10.)For this internet! If we didn't have this, I couldn't have met Amy, I couldn't have this blog, I couldn't e-mail! LOL!!! Odd thing to be thankful for, but I am thankful for it!

There! 10 things that I'm thankful for! I'm not going to tell my resolutions, that is too personal! LOL

Here is a thing that Amy sent me. I really like it!

~When we look back & wonder how we ever made it through this year, we realize it's not because we've been clever, but because God's been wise.
Not because we've been strong, but because God's been mighty.
Not because we've been consistent, but because God has been faithful!!!!!

I love that!

I have to go now, Katie is waiting for me.

Love you all!


Katie Wegner said...

Nice post Amy =) .

In Christ,

~Amy Thomson~ said...

Hey Amz!

No prob, at least you got to doing it! Cool post! I'm thankful for you too Amy!!

Haha, ya odd thing to be thankful for, but I'm thankful for it, anyway!!! ;D

Luv ya!!!!


Maiden Princess said...


I'm so glad you did this! You did't even tell me you were going to though (gently shakes head :D)

Love you girl. I hope to call you soon so we can catch up. Love you!

Maiden Princess

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